Find out Smiletech

Find out Smiletech
An advanced orthodontic treatment
Over 18 years of experience in orthodontic treatments with aligners.
Smiletech® is reliable and customized.
Over 18 years of experience in orthodontic treatments with aligners.
We have learned to know and identify both the possibilities and the challenges of this wonderful orthodontic technique.
Thanks to the experience accumulated over the years, we can guide you in your clinical cases, based on the predictability of the movements required.
Ask us for an opinion about your case.

Why become a Provider
The Smiletech system is an advanced orthodontic treatment, based on a sequence of clear aligners that, day after day, will move the teeth to the desired position, until reaching the expected final goal.
Today you can offer your patients a Made in Italy choice, which is also more effective, faster and more personalized.

We don’t like to fail!
For this we will help you to recognize and identify the best path to achieve the therapeutic goals you have set.
We know that many complex orthodontic treatments (requiring major root movements or more than a year of treatment) can put you at risk of partial or total failure. Our tutoring service avoid this, and will not leave you alone in developing a project that meets your and your patient’s expectations.
The compliance of the patient is fundamental for this type of treatment: for this reason we strictly monitor cases that exceed 10/12 months of treatment to avoid losing it.
In the same way, we avoid long refinement procedures that will only lead to patient stress and a risk of him abandoning the treatment.
For your complex cases, which could benefit from a mixed Aligners/fixed orthodontic treatment, we offer you state of the art support in the planning and implementation of the treatment.
KISS «Keep it Short and Simple» (McGraw-Hill, 1978)
For your complex cases, which could benefit from a mixed Aligners/fixed orthodontic treatment, we offer you state of the art support in the planning and implementation of the treatment.
The advantages of Smiletech®
The Smiletech system can improve the experience of your patients and contribute to the growth of orthodontics in your practice.
What can we do for you?
Development of a digital workflow
Personalized and predictable treatments
Growth of your practice
Happy patients and word of mouth advertisement

The Smilecheck allows a 3D visualization of the orthodontic project, which can be modified, approved or forwarded (with just one click) to the patient. Usable from any device connected to the internet.
Daily support for your growth
Our commercial and clinical staff will be at your service to help you with all the stages of the process with the Smiletech system.
Being a Smiletech provider means having support to grow and enhance the potential of your practice.
The treatment is based on a precise and always updated planning of the patient’s dental movements that are carried out with a progressive sequence of aligners per arch.

Support for treatment planning

Reduction of chair time

3D Treatment Preview with dedicated viewer

Happy patients and word of mouth advertisement

No mandatory certification needed

Reduced production times
Integration of Roots from CBCT
Three-dimensional control of the roots obtained from 3D DICOM files extrapolated from CT (CBCT).
The 3D images of the patient’s natural roots are merged with the 3D images of the natural teeth, obtained from the optical scan.
Smiletech combines experience and innovation by constantly investing in research and development projects.
At your side we will be a reliable, fast and successful partner.
Smiltech Top
Invisible mixed technique multibrackets
Clinical cases

Mariella’s smile
- 10 upper aligners + 10 lower aligners.
- 2 upper and lower refinement aligners.
- Total treatment time 6 months.
With the kind collaboration of Dr Gabriele Cristofaro

Stages of the technique

1. Fill out the online prescription

2. Upload STL files and patient records

3. Wait 5 days for data processing

4. Approve the SmileCheck or request modification

5. Wait 10 days to receive the treatment

6. Pay by bank transfer or credit card after 30 days

Contact us
Viale Marco Polo 90/A - 00154 Roma
Follow us
Smiletech is produced by Ortodontica Italia Srl. Viale Marco Polo 90/A, 00154 Roma
+39.06.5750327 -