Lingual orthodontics
Lingual orthodontics
Treatment with lingual orthodontics
Smiletech develops lingual orthodontic treatments in collaboration with Eline System.
Eline System, with decades of experience, has developed a dedicated software exclusively for digital setup with ALIAS and STb brackets, in accordance with the Lingual Straight-Wire method.

Giuseppe Scuzzo

Giacomo Scuzzo
Medical Team Coordinator
Virtual setup
A virtual setup is created according to the objectives of the treatment, in order to obtain the best occlusion for the patient, using its own dedicated software. The positioning of the brackets is customized according to the Lingual Straight Wire technique. A team of orthodontists monitor the entire process ensuring a high quality setup for all cases.
Contact us
Viale Marco Polo 90/A - 00154 Roma
Follow us
Smiletech is produced by Ortodontica Italia Srl. Viale Marco Polo 90/A, 00154 Roma
+39.06.5750327 -